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The proposed wind farm, if consented, would continue to build on the success of the renewable energy sector in Scotland. It would provide a vital economic boost, creating skilled, sustainable jobs and help to drive a cleaner and more resilient economy. 

New onshore wind, and large scale solar, are the cheapest forms of new renewable electricity generation1 and it is imperative that we deliver clean, low cost electricity as efficiently as possible for consumers. Sclenteuch would be capable of providing clean, low cost renewable electricity for around 50,000 homes2 every year.

If consented, we plan to launch our innovative Local Electricity Discount Scheme (LEDS) which provides an annual discount on the electricity bills of properties closest to the wind farm. The scheme would be open to all residential, business and community buildings (including schools, places of worship and village halls) within the eligible area with an electricity meter. Each eligible property would be able to claim an annual discount of £200.00 (index-linked) per year, paid directly to its electricity supplier.

Throughout the development of the wind farm proposal, we have engaged local people to explore ideas for a package of community benefits which would be delivered as part of the scheme. The feedback received to date demonstrates that discounting the annual electricity bills of residents living closest to the proposal is the preferred opportunity, and as a result, we have set out how this would be delivered above. Nevertheless, we continue to welcome feedback from the community on any alternative suggestions that will help to secure long-term economic, social and environmental benefits and provide a lasting legacy in the local area.

RES is committed to ensuring that, wherever reasonably practicable, local contractors and employees are used in all aspects of wind farm development. Sclenteuch Wind Farm could provide a vital economic boost, create skilled, sustainable jobs and help to drive a cleaner and more resilient economy. The proposed development is predicted to deliver around £9.6 million of inward investment in Ayrshire, in the form of jobs, employment and the use of local services. In addition, over £29 million in business rates will be paid to the South and East Ayrshire Councils to fund vital local services within the community.

As part of the scheme, we are also proposing a new footpath connecting with the existing High Keirs track, to form a nature trail called Keirs Glen Trail. As well as providing recreational benefits to the local community, it will provide biodiversity enhancement through native woodland and wetland planting. Further habitat enhancement will be provided through blanket bog habitat restoration on the site using measures including ditch blocking, peat hag reprofiling and reseeding of bare peat.

Click on the image above to see an indicative layout for the Keirs Glen Trail



1 https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/6556027d046ed400148b99fe/electricity-generation-costs-2023.pdf

2 The homes figure has been calculated by taking the predicted annual electricity generation of the site (based on RES assessments Sclenteuch has a predicted capacity factor of 39.1%) and dividing this by the annual average electricity figures from the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) showing that the annual UK average domestic household consumption is 3,748 kWh (Dec 2021).